Standard Evening Croatian Course
Feb. '25 – Jun. '25
Last chance, to get the 10% Last Minute discount
on the last remaining seats available!
Learn Croatian language with ease and enjoy yourself in the process
Feb. '25 – Jun. '25
Last chance, to get the 10% Last Minute discount
on the last remaining seats available!
Mar. 6th – Apr. 8th
Save over 290€! Enroll by Feb. 13th and
grab the Early Bird Price!
Apr. 22nd – Jul. 10th
Save over 285€! Enroll by Mar. 27th and
grab the Early Bird Price!
Croatian Language Academy is a specialized center for teaching Croatian as a Foreign Language. As a member of Sputnik Group and through years of experience, CLA has developed proven methods and teaching tools with the goal of enabling our students to learn Croatian and start using their knowledge in a short time period.
Naučite Hrvatski jezik na jednom od naših Tečajeva Hrvatskog za Strance.
One of the most importing things when you move to another country, is integration! Step number one to achieve it, is learning the language! Learning the Croatian language opens also the door to the Croatian culture and the contact with the locals! Step by step I learnt the basics of the Croatian language and the further I got involved with the Croatian language , the more I discovered also its hidden secrets. I have to admit, as a dutch speaker, it’s not always easy to master this slavic language. But with the professional and dedicated help of the teachers at CLA learnt to manage myself here in Zagreb and to make contact with the Croatians. During the course the teachers did also the effort no to teach only the language, but also the Croatians habits.
Nel mese di Maggio 2009 ho frequentato un corso organizzato dalla CLA, a Zagabria. Andare a lezione era divertente e motivante, perché l’insegnante dimostrandosi sempre disponibile a rispondere ad ogni nostra domanda o richiesta per sapere sempre qualcosa in più sulla lingua e sui modi di vivere croati. Abbiamo trattato un sacco di argomenti grammaticali, anche complessi, ma la cosa curiosa è che me ne sono accorta solo a lavoro finito, perché impararli è stata una cosa veramente naturale e divertente e poterli mettere in pratica nella quotidianità, al supermercato o al bar, ha aiutato notevolmente il processo di apprendimento. Mi sono resa conto dei molti passi in avanti fatti dall’inizio del corso, soprattutto della sicurezza espressiva che questo mi ha aiutato a raggiungere alla fine.
I really enjoyed my Croatian course. It was a lot of fun and very interesting. Croatian is a very difficult language but the teachers at CLA have been great, helpful and patient. I learnt basic/beginners Croatian grammar and we also worked on my Croatian conversation skills. Overall I am really satisfied with CLA. The team at CLA is very professional and the course certainly met my expectations.
Hvala CLA!
Me gustó mucho el curso. Fue muy agradable aprender croata, uno porque el idioma es lindo, dos porque lo necesito y tres porque el profesor y mis compañeros hicieron un ambiente agradable para estar. El croata es un idioma muy complicado, pero si tienes una persona quien sabe enseñarte, hace que todo sea más fácil y ameno de aprender. Creo que si me ha llegado lo que esperaba y sin pensármelo dos veces, los volvería a elegir.
Ich hatte schon Vorkenntnisse in der kroatischen Sprache, die ich mir überwiegend durch Selbststudium angeeignet habe. Jedoch habe ich noch einige Schwierigkeiten in Grammatik und Kommunikation. Nach einem kurzen Test zur Überprüfung meines Wissensstandes wurde ich eine Gruppe (insgesamt 5 Schüler) eingeteilt. Obwohl ich nicht von Beginn an Teil der Gruppe war ist unsere Lehrerin immer auch speziell auf meine Schwierigkeiten eingegangen. So hatte ich keine Probleme dem Unterricht zu folgen.Es hat viel Spaß gemacht in der internationalen Gruppe zu lernen. Jeder hat von den Fragen der Anderen profitiert. Gleichzeitig haben wir alle etwas über Bräuche und Sitten in den Herkunftsländern der Anderen erfahren. Der Kurs war genau das Richtige für mich.